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Let's Go Greeny!

Each time I'm asked what my favourite colour is, I be like: "Erm... I don't know..." And it's not just me. Those who just love colours know exactly what it feels like not to have a favourite colour. We just love colours. I especially love bright colours. And sometimes we don't have a fave because our choices are based on moods, weather and relationship status. Yelx.

Oya, Let's Go Greeny! 

Based on my mood (and maybe relationship status. lol), I have chosen green today.

Green is the colour of nature and its environment. It means freshness and healing. It means fullness, goodness and fatness.

I went through the scriptures:

"He maketh me to lie down in GREEN pastures..." Ps. 23:2 (KJV)

The green pastures here doesn't exactly mean food but, a place of cool and refreshing rest. A beautiful place to dwell. A place of fruitfulness and plenty.

God leads us into this beautiful place. He blesses us and makes us enjoy its fulness.

"But I am like a GREEN olive tree in the house of God..." Ps. 52:8 (KJV)

Green is synonymous with God's goodness and grace. Even when the environment isn't pleasant, God makes His own lie down in green pastures. There is a flourishing even in a dry season.

When the economy is said to be declining, you are even making more wealth. That's a life as green.

I pray that my life be evergreen so that I find life as fresh, fruitful and filled with God's goodness. Amen. 

So today, 1st Oct, can we go green together? I am so into green this season. I also wrote a fashion piece about green on Uche and Moyo's blog here.

Happy Independence Day, Nigeria!
Stay fresh and green.

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Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu
Twitter: @Amakamedia
Email: amakamedia@yahoo.com
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